Soon you will have to be writing 2024 and I bet some of you will be glad it is no longer 2023. Others will have had a fab season with great results.
What do you have in store for 2024. My message for now is to keep smiling/keep phoning messaging/ keep training/ keep doing silly things ( as long as they are safe). Whatever you are doing off season, the main thing for all is to keep moving and looks positively to next year – which is going to be megga exciting with the Olympics in Paris.
I read today on twitter “ When making plans think big/ when making progress think small’. This is a great quote that I think we could harness for our training – little steps towards greater things. The little steps maybe frustrating at times but the bigger picture is ‘wow’ I can get there.
On a personal note and I am sure most have been there at times there is an injury that keeps us away from part of our sport: swimming /cycling etc. So think outside the box- I have a arthritic shoulder and last year a new hip. Lots of S & C and Nordic walking has now provided me the opportunity to look at competing again in 2024 : aquabike . So my message is don’t give up look ‘ look outside that box’.
Whatever your plans keep in touch and hope the rest of 2023 goes well and catch up early in 2024.